Newly developed Hummingbird helicopter tail rotor blades

The American company Vertical Aviation, manufacturer of kits for the Hummingbird helicopter, has presented its latest development of steering propeller blades, made of fiberglass fiberglass based on carbon fiber and kevlar. These blades have an aerodynamic twist of 7° and an asymmetrical aerodynamic profile.

The arrowhead design reduces noise by 4 dB, and nickel abrasion-resistant wear pads help extend blade life to 4,000 hours. The improved design has increased the efficiency of the tail rotor by 15%. At the same time it was possible to reduce the design weight by 1.3 kg, compared to the previous system.

The development of the fiberglass tail rotor blades was done in cooperation with Hertelendy & Associates and is standard on all Hummingbird helicopters.

This design is fully interchangeable on previous Hummingbird models with minimal changes to adjustments and components. We are constantly working on the improvement of kits and are ready to provide our customers with the best, most productive and cost-effective Hummingbird helicopters.

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