A New Milestone in Ukrainian Aviation: A Successful Project and Readiness for New Heights

The modern world of aviation has always been a symbol of innovation, progress, and passion for the skies. Recently, our team has shown that Ukraine is no exception in this direction.

We are proud to announce that we have completed the assembly of a new aircraft. This project was not just another order for us, but a real test of our craftsmanship and professionalism. From the first bolt to the last screw – every step of assembly was under our meticulous supervision.

After assembly, we successfully registered the aircraft in Ukraine, marking another crucial stage towards its inaugural flight. But our ambitions did not stop there. Our next move was exporting the aircraft to Poland.

In Poland, after rigorous preparatory works, we carried out the test flight. This stage allowed us to ensure the safety and reliability of our aircraft and fine-tune all the necessary systems.

And then, the climactic moment: the keys to the new aircraft were handed over to its happy owner. His eyes sparkled with joy and pride, which to us is the best reward for all the work done.

We are ready for new orders and new heights. Our team is united by one goal – to create quality, reliable, and beautiful aircraft. If you’re ready to be a part of this aviation dream, reach out to us!

With sky-high wishes,


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